Find interpretations to an inscription - results The database currently contains 3 interpretations to the runsten, granit found in Vetteland: Inscription: [?]flagdafaikina?ist | [?]mago?minasstaina | [?]da?faihido | Reading: [?]flagdafaikinazist | [?]magozminasstaina | [?]dazfaihido | 1. interpretation: ... flagdafaikinaz ist. ... magoz minas staina. [...]daz faihido. Translation: ... is subject to deceitful attack. ... my son's stone. [I], ...daz, painted. [hide reading] [hide all] Literature: No. Author Title Year Image 1 Antonsen, Elmer H. Runes and Germanic Linguistics. Berlin, New York 2002. 2002b / 2 Antonsen, Elmer H. On the typology of the older runic inscriptions. In: Scandinavian Studies, 52, 1980, 1-15. 1980b / 3 Antonsen, Elmer H. Den ældre fuþark: en gudernes gave eller et hverdagsalfabet? In: Maal og Minne, 1980, 129-143. 1980a / 4 Antonsen, Elmer H. A Concise Grammar of the Older Runic Inscriptions. Tübingen 1975. 1975b / Reading: [?]flagdafaikina?ist | [?]mago?minasstaina | [?]da?faihido | 2. interpretation: ... flagdafaikina? ist. ... mago? minas staina. [...]da? faihido. Translation: [This place/My son] is menaced by fiends. [I, N.N., set] my son's stone. [I], ...da?, coloured [the runes]. [hide reading] [hide all] Literature: No. Author Title Year Image 1 Marchese, Maria Pia. 'Ego' nel formulario delle rune. In: Studi linguistichi e filologici per Carlo Alberto Mastrelli, (hg.) Agostiani, Luciano et al., Pisa 1985, 247-261. 1985 / 2 Høst, Gerd. Runer. Våre eldste norske runeinnskrifter. Oslo 1976. 1976 photo 3 Møllerop, Odmund. Runesteinen fra Vetteland i Ogna. In: Frá haug ok heiðni, 5, 1973, 60-64. 1973 photo 4 Krause, Wolfgang. Die Sprache der urnordischen Runeninschriften. Heidelberg 1971. 1971 / 5 Krause, Wolfgang, Herbert Jankuhn. Die Runeninschriften im älteren Futhark. Göttingen 1966. 1966 graph.+photo 6 Krause, Wolfgang. Runica III. In: Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, I. Phil.-Hist. Klasse, Nr. 9, 1961, 225-280. 1961 photo Reading: [?]flagdafaikina?ist | [?]mago?minasstaina | [?]da?faihido | 3. interpretation: ... flagda faikina? ist. ... mago? minas staina. [...]da? faihido. Translation: [This place] by evil spirits menaced is. ... boy's stone. ...da?, [I] painted. 372: [My son] is haunted by evil spirits. [I erected] my son's stone. [I], ...da?, painted [these runes]. [hide reading] [hide all] Literature: No. Author Title Year Image 1 Aag, Finn-Henrik. Rogalands eldste runeinnskrifter. Stavanger 1981. (=Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger. Småtrykk, 8) 1981 graph.+photo 2 Smith, Jesse Robert. Word Order in the Older Germanic Dialects. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Diss. 1971. 1971 / Opdateret d. 25.11.2009